Why Apple Vision Is Evil Regardless Of Its 3499$ Price

How can a technological product be evil? Well, you can read on about how AR, AI, and neural connections can be in this article about why Apple Vision is evil.

People all around the Tech sphere are talking about the Apple Vision, especially the ones who’ve tried it. With 5000 patents and thousands of people having worked on it for more than half a decade, it only seems logical that a leap would be made. Everyone who’s tried it has described like magic. I like VR, I find it a lot of fun. I’ve used the Meta Quest 2, HTC Vive Pro 2, and Valve Index but this is unlike anything we’ve seen so far. Why is it evil though? Here are the reasons why Apple Vision is evil regardless of its 3499$ price.

What Is The Apple Vision Headset?

First off, all of the images on my site were done with Adobe Photoshop. Currently, there’s an amazing sale of 50 percent off for the whole package. Grab it while it’s still hot! Now, onto the article.

In case you’ve been living under a rock, the Apple Vision headset they’ve been working on for years, is a VR headset with its own processing power and unparalleled eye-tracking technology that makes VR more immersive and vast than ever.

Simply, the Apple Vision Headset is a state-of-the-art virtual reality headset designed to transport users into immersive digital experiences. It combines cutting-edge hardware and software to provide a seamless and captivating VR experience. This futuristic device opens up a world of possibilities, offering a new level of immersion and interactivity while keeping you somewhat in touch with the real World. How does it stack up to other headsets in its specs and functionality? It doesn’t.

Display and Resolution

The headset incorporates high-resolution displays that provide sharp and vibrant visuals. With its advanced optics, the Apple Vision Headset delivers an unparalleled viewing experience, allowing users to see details with remarkable clarity. It’s even better than the HTC Vive Pro 2 in that aspect, which, while not crazy for its price is incredible nonetheless.

Field of View

The field of view (FOV) is crucial in VR as it determines the extent of the virtual environment users can see. The Apple Vision Headset offers an expansive field of view, enabling users to experience a wider and more immersive digital world. Thanks to its eye tracking, it is even more expansive than the best headsets out right now.

Tracking and Sensors

Precise tracking is essential for a realistic VR experience. The Apple Vision Headset utilizes advanced sensors and tracking technologies to accurately detect users’ movements and gestures. This allows for seamless interaction within the virtual environment.

Audio Experience

To enhance immersion, the Apple Vision Headset features spatial audio technology. This creates a three-dimensional soundscape, where users can perceive audio from different directions, adding a new level of realism to the virtual experience.

Apple Connectivity

The VR headset can easily connect to any Apple device, but that much is to be expected by Apple at this point, and at its price, it better be. This is supposed to maximize the headsets potential, but in reality, the headset itself is already more powerful than a lot of current computers, with its insane processing power.

User Experience and Applications

Unlike with most headsets, you won’t need a powerful graphics card or processor to work it. The Apple Vision Headset offers a range of exciting possibilities for users across various domains.

Immersive Gaming

Thanks to the M2 processor, one of the primary applications of the Apple Vision Headset is gaming. By providing an immersive and interactive experience, the headset enables gamers to dive into virtual worlds, engaging in realistic gameplay like never before. With Apple’s commitment to quality and user experience, the gaming potential of the Apple Vision Headset is bound to be extraordinary.

Virtual Reality Content Consumption

The Apple Vision Headset is unparalleled here. Users can explore countries while on call all from their couch. They can attend live events from their homes while surfing or reading a book (they’re probably not going to read any books though). The expansive entertainment possibilities won’t allow you to have a dull moment in the slightest.

Augmented Reality Integration

The Apple Vision Headset is also going to get AR down the line. In case you don’t know what AR is (Augmented Reality), it is meant to create mixed reality experiences by bringing digital information into the real World, practically bridging the gap between real and digital – further blurring the lines of the two realms.

Professional Applications

The Apple Vision Headset also holds potential for various professional applications. It can be used in fields like architecture, engineering, and design to visualize and manipulate virtual models. Additionally, it may find applications in healthcare, training simulations, and virtual meetings, providing new ways for professionals to collaborate and innovate.

Boss, I read the article up till now, but what is there to be concerned about? Why call it evil? Well, let’s delve into that next.

Why The Apple Vision Is Evil

Picture this future. You put the headset on as soon as you wake up, as does your family and children. You go to work, and as you walk down the street, everyone is wearing the same thing. Everyone is focused on their own little World they see inside their Apple Vision 3 Pro X, multitasking their way out of boredom, doing nothing with their lives but distracting. The VR headset becomes the new smartphone, but even more isolating, dividing and controlling.

Next-Gen Isolation

The powerful M2 processor and R1 VR chip are going to help you get comfortable in your virtual World, where you won’t need to try and keep yourself entertained with endless possibilities. You can do everything a phone and a computer can do, with the added immersion never seen before. You can visit countries, play games, watch multiple things at once (such as combine Instagram and a movie at the same time) with simple controls, stunning visuals, immersion and complete isolation.

Don’t let the fact that you can see someone’s eyes through the vision fool you, most people will disconnect rather quickly once the headset is on, and that’s a fact. If we as humans can be this distracted by smartphones, then picture them in VR, up close to your eyes.

You wake up and grab your phone within the first 15 minutes. Am I wrong? In the future, when these headsets are mainstream and convenient enough, you will just put a VR headset on and let everything go. This is all to make sure that there’s no dull moment in your life, you want to be bereft of boredom.

Addicting Isolation

Why does the Apple CEO Tim Cook avoid presenting the functionality of the Apple Vision by putting it on? Was there ever a product that Apple presented that the CEO didn’t show to you on stage? You have to admit that it’s quite suspicious. The only products they didn’t show you were slight variants of a product, but when there is a single product and the one being talked about, why isn’t Tim using it?

Could it be that this level of immersion and power can be extremely addictive? You may think I’m hitting it way off the mark by saying that he might have motion sickness, or that the product isn’t fully set yet. Other people have already tried the product and motion sickness is not an excuse to not present the product. To have the amount of dedication Tim Cook had in building this VR headset, only so he couldn’t even showcase it just because of a motion sickness would be ridiculous.

As stated earlier, we’re addicts of smartphones and social media, and the VR headsets are next.

Better Than Your Reality

The Apple Vision will cure your loneliness, depression, anxiety or any other affliction you may have, if you look at the current research that is. It will allow you to immerse yourself into a bubble of your own, where you can do whatever you want, without anyone getting in your way. It’s going to sell itself as a better reality, that’s how the reviewers are going to react. And when the product gets enough love and attention, a new version that costs less will be released, allowing for more people to get in on it.

And why wouldn’t you? It can make the outside World look better, it can give you fun and happiness. You can chat and call people with it, so you’ll never truly be alone. Right? As soon as you put the Apple Vision on, all of your problems fade away. You’ll become smarter, happier and more content without having done anything in your life. You will experience incredible pleasure and incredible levels of satisfaction.

What people don’t realize when they have fading happiness and a fake sense of satisfaction is that it’s going to fade, leaving you at a lower point that previously. But that won’t matter initially, the more people feel that way, regardless of how fleeting it is, the more likely it is that it will spread, and it won’t be long before everyone and their kid has one.

Talk, Play, Work In VR

Think about it, without a phone or computer, you’re left out of business, social interactions, and a lot of other things. You can’t get a job and keep it without technology such as the smartphone. Soon, it can be the VR headsets that we’ll need to use in order to keep ourselves in check.

The concept of working from home is already incredibly huge, just imagine how such a VR headset can increase the potential for such a thing spreading even further. We’ll be able to work in the augmented reality, socialize in it, play with others in it, do everything in it.

Fake, virtual friends will fill the hole for a while, but it will never be comparable to actual, real life communication and interaction, leaving people more depressed, lonely and suicidal as a result.

Integration With Other Technologies

Can you imagine an amalgamation of artificial intelligence and augmented reality coming together? With a few simple prompts, you can create entire universes within an entirely new level of reality. Imagine adding Neuralink to it as well. We’re talking about the ability to read your emotions, wants, needs and desires while being able to give them to you at the same time via AI and AR.

Can you imagine just how docile you can make an entire population that has its needs met with such a set of technologies going on at the same time? Without uttering a word or putting any effort in, you can create a World that best fits your needs while being able to live out your dream within it without a problem.

You have feelings and imagine a place, AI creates the place based on your thoughts and feelings, and the VR headset brings it into reality via augmented reality. Who even needs dreams when you can live them through your headset? I don’t need to tell you just how Cyberpunk post-apocalyptic all of this sounds, if you can’t tell what’s wrong with the image of millions of people behaving like they’re endlessly sleep-walking or comatose, all in their shells, never accomplishing anything, never doing anything, never realizing anything but their wildest dreams for only themselves to see, then you will never see how bad it sounds.

Social Credit Score System

Have you heard of the Social Credit Score System? Surprisingly, not many have. The Social Credit System is the system in China which is focused on tracking civilians and adding or subtracting points when they do anything. You can lose points for anything from walking across the road where there were no crosswalks, to writing a mean thing on a social media platform, especially towards the government.

Virtual reality along with AI will make it so much easier for the government to track all your actions, and with a third of some nations people saying that they would be alright with a government installing a way to monitor them inside their homes, this future is far from improbable.

Apple has already been caught dealing with the Chinese government. Apple has also been caught scanning your photos for a plethora of false purposes. Most large corporations have done these sorts of acts in collusion with governments but to most people, they’re all but relevant. They will make you easier to control. Saying things outside the ordinary (as the government deems it) will lower your score, or even worse, lead to arrests and execution’s.

If you think that creating a docile and submissive population is not what the main goal of an authoritarian regime is, then you ought to realize that many nations, including the United States are trying to create a populous more ignorant, lazy, unmotivated, and content so they can easily control them.

Deleted From “Reality”

Using augmented reality, they’ll soon be able to delete people from your peripheral vision if you’re wearing the headset. A publicly ostracized person by the government can also be deleted from being heard or seen in augmented reality. This is an insane technology in the works, and it functions better than you could ever imagine.

I can just imagine the “Counter Disinformation Unit” which is a very real unit in the United Kingdom, deleting people from reality due to their mean tweets. They’re already arresting them, if anything, this is less of a punishment than arresting them, at least on paper.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use the Apple Vision Headset with my iPhone?

Yes, you can use the Apple Vision Headset with your iPhone, you can also use it with any other apple device you have (except the watch). The Apple Vision is designed to integrate seamlessly with all other technologies. Thanks to its M2 chip and R1 VR chip, you can also enjoy the headset by itself.

Does the Apple Vision Headset require external sensors?

No, the Apple Vision headset does not require external sensors because it has built in and incredibly accurate sensors with accurate tracking. This makes gaming as well as virtual and augmented reality amazing on the VR headset. This makes it an incredibly immersive experience unlike most headsets currently available on the market.

What kind of content can I experience with the Apple Vision Headset?

The kind of content can you experience with the Apple Vision Headset is endless, from 360 video, to regular and VR gaming, watching movies or socializing, this headset does it all. It eliminates the need for most, if not all other devices, making the all-encompassing entertainment system for an individual.

Are there any health risks associated with using VR headsets?

There are health risks associated with using VR headsets, primarily nausea and depression. While the Apple is doing its best to rid the VR headset of all motion sickness issues, it can never be fully erased. As far as depression is concerned, VR has been statistically proven to rise depression. This is thanks to its addictive and isolative nature.

When will the Apple Vision Headset be available for purchase?

The Apple Vision Headset will be available for purchase in early 2024 or so the sources say. They’ve given themselves plenty of time to hype the product up, and while there is a chance they release it early, it probably won’t come out later than early 2024 given the way they presented it, the amount of leeway they’re giving themselves and the number of years this dedicated research took.

Why is Apple Vision Evil?

The Apple Vision is evil because it is built in a way where it can easily take over your entire life’s needs, wants and desires, eliminating the need for reality at all. Depending on how it progresses, it can replace the smartphone as the biggest blocker of human motivation and capability while making humanity even more docile and willing to be controlled, which most of the major corporations and governments will gladly do if given the chance. The end result of using the VR headset daily will end with no goals reached, a weakened mind, and heightened depression.

Should You Buy The Apple Vision?

No, you should not buy the Apple Vision as it will undoubtedly push us further into addiction, compliance and depression. From turning your phone on within the first 15 minutes of waking up to turning on your VR headset within the first 15 minutes, you will be controlled by an even more powerful addicting distraction meant to make your life devoid of aspirations and meaning. The happiness and enjoyment it gives you will be temporary, before it fully isolates you from your surroundings and becomes your everything. VR is fun, but this level of integration will make it life-destroying.


While a cool technological breakthrough, I, personally will not be putting the Apple Vision on my head. I could be exaggerating, and it could just be a niche thing like VR itself, used only as a personal entertainment tool at times and nothing more, but I do not like the direction it’s headed towards. I’ll stick with my Vive Pro 2 (which I could review soon). You can try the Apple Vision if you like when it comes out. Till next time.

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